Tuesday, October 15, 2019

One Dollar Breakfast

I haven't felt very well this morning, so I've been dragging. But don't worry. Sissy has been doing it all. She got dressed and did her chores. Then she fixed her own hair beautifully. Next, I heard Punkin screaming, while Sissy calmly repeated "I've already started, Punkin, I'm going to finish. Punkin, I've already started and I'm going to finish." She was trying to fix Punkin's hair. I finally intervened "Oh, just leave her alone!". Then she was chasing down Honey to fix her hair, which she finally accomplished after a mini-battle.

Finally, while I was tiredly nursing the baby, she came to me with a notebook and pen, and said "If you want to eat any of the breakfast I am going to make, you will need to pay me one dollar."

"What are you making?" I asked, quite interested to know, since we are very low on groceries at the moment.

"I'm not sure yet."

"Well, there aren't many choices, because we don't have many groceries."

Anyway. She ended up making a peach smoothie with some frozen peaches, a bit of sugar, and some milk.

Immediately afterwards, Honey came in, distraught. "Mama! She says I have to give her a dollar!"

"Don't worry, I'll pay for you." We went and got a dollar out of my wallet, which I gave to Honey, and she gave to Sissy.

A few minutes later, they were looking for a pen. It seems that Sissy needed to write down how much money she'd made.

Now she's four dollars the richer, and I think I'm going to encourage her to spend a few dollars on something nice for the family soon.

By the way, just in case any of you were wondering: I don't charge my kids for breakfast.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Day 3

Potty training Punkin.

Day One: She learned that she could delay bedtime by saying she needed to go potty. Over. And over. And over.

Day Two: She learned that if she squeezed out a few drops every 10 minutes or so, she could earn LOTS of jellybeans!

Day Three: We switched to underwear, which have remained dry since we put them on at 7:30 this morning (so nearly 5 hours). She's gone potty some, but I've been rewarding dry undies instead of potty in the chair, so she's not spending all her time running over to push out a little dribble. But no accidents! So cool!

I'm still prepared for her to lose interest, and if so, we'll just switch back to pullups. I don't like to do so, but it's just not worth putting our family through misery if undies aren't remaining successful.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Tuesday, October 1, 2019


Punkin says "Wa-wa" for "water".

Today, heading home from Piano Lessons, I was singing.

...And if you'll drink this water,
You'll never thirst again!

There is a river
That flows from God above.
There is a fountain
That's filled with His great love.
Come to this water;
There is a vast supply.
There is a river
That never shall run dry.

As I finished, I could hear Punkin in the back seat singing with all her little heart
