About Our Family


I haven't been using this blog much at all. But I'm pleased with myself because I've been keeping a physical journal. I began it in 2022, and have continued the tradition in 2023. I used to keep journals and wrote prolifically. But I've been so sporadic since marriage, and especially since kids! When I started up again in 2022, I gave myself a rule; I could write the events of the day in less than a page, but I would not permit myself to use more than one page to write the events of any one day. It was the trick I needed to keep up with writing! Actually, I keep notes in my phone, and I'm... significantly behind in actually transferring those notes to paper. But the point is, just because I've not chronicled our adventures very well on my blog, well, those sweet days are not lost forever.

But for a family update; we've added another son to the family. Being honest, I wanted his blog nickname to be Sunny or Sunshine (which happens to be what my grandpa always used to call me), because he has such a cheerful personality! But... Son, and also Sunny? Seems too confusing. Sunshine, when I never even call him that? I don't know, seems a little - well, not exactly right. Okay, I always thought if we had another son, I'd call him Guy on this blog. And I often call him Little Guy anyway, so it seems fitting. So there we have it:

My Man & I - married 13 years 😲

Son - 12 years old

Sissy - 11 years old

Honey - 9 years old

Punkin - 6 years old

Sweetie - 4 years old

Precious - 2 years old

(Little) Guy - mere months old!

It's hard to believe. 13 years later, and 7 beautiful children have been added to our life! We have been incredibly blessed. I hope they will find themselves equally blessed by Daddy & Mama.

Now. Let's see how many posts I get in before my next update to the "about" page!


Here, the goal is to share bits and pieces of the life of a homeschool family with half a dozen children. In the past I haven't been super diligent about keeping this blog up-to-date. That trend may continue, as family should come first. I do hope to carve more time out for this blog this year, though. I love the simple memories that can be recorded and looked back upon in future years. Perhaps you will also find something here that resonates with you.

We are a family in search of a simple life. We have a little farm started, although it has already been scaled back a bit. We desire a manageable homestead lifestyle, including some livestock and gardens. We value outdoor time, working together in love, and playing together in joy.

Two of our big goals for this year are;
1. To practice serving
          (Friends, family, community)
2. To build a perimeter fence

They are very different types of goals, because that is how people and families are; we care about many things, and they are as varied as the colors of a rainbow. But they also can mesh together as smoothly and beautifully as a rainbow.

Our family includes My Man and Myself, and our Son(10) and five daughters - Sissy(8), Honey(7), Punkin(3), Sweetie(2), and Precious(nb). Also, our 6yo Bichon Frise dog, Alex. The farm cats aren't exactly part of the family, but they aren't exactly NOT, either.

Welcome! Our family is growing, and our experiences are changing each of us bit by bit.

Two years ago, we were blessed to be able to purchase a home in the "country" - just a couple miles outside of town - with a bit of acreage (most of which is leased out to a neighbor for farming). We are now trying to build up a little farm and currently own a handful of chickens, a few turkeys and guinea fowl, a milkcow and her heifer, a dog, and 3 adorable kittens. When I began this blog, our dream was to someday own a place in the country with pastures, garden, and livestock. We've got the place and a nice little start on the rest. It still sometimes feels to good to be true. Certainly it is a dream coming true!

It is a very busy life! We are homeschooling our 5 children (however, only 2 of them are school-aged yet). This year we are dabbling with the idea of a year-round schedule. We think this may be a very good fit for our family, and we will see as the time rolls by.

Our son is eight years old. He actually asks for more chores regularly. He has wanted for several years, to be a construction worker when he grows up so he can build houses. The alternative is to get a job at Daddy's company and work with him every day. He always appreciates a big hug or a head tousle.

Six-year-old Sissy doesn't quite fit into a stereotype. She is a bookworm, but loves to spend time outside and enjoys working on the farm. She is a tomboy who loves pink and ruffles/lace/etc. She definitely loves spending special time with Daddy, with Mama, with all the girls, with her friends, etc.

It is hard to believe that Honey is five years old now. Honey definitely does whine about things, but she is a generally very compliant little girl. She always seems to be noticing ways to help her family members with things they need or dedicates her little-girl energy towards saving someone from trouble... If I tell the children to clean-up-their-dirty-laundry-or-else, she'll go clean up everyone's. A gift touches her heart deeply.

Two years old and unlike any of the others! Punkin doesn't like to made to do things. She likes her space. She is still taking her time with conversation, not talking as much as the older ones were at this age. She can always manage a bite to eat. Or two. Or sixty-seven. She enjoys being given little jobs to do.

Our newest addition was born this year. She was our earliest baby to smile, at only days old. She also asserted herself as a Daddy's girl from Day 1. I'm not sure whether she would have much use for me at all, if it weren't for the fact that I am supplying all of her nourishment and all the diaper changes except when Sissy sneaks one in.

Still in the early seasons of our family life, we are learning as we live it.

Our son, who will be known as "Son", is five years old. He is interested in the usual boy things. Cars, trucks, planes, trains... anything that will go. Guns, matches, firecrackers, miniature bombs... anything that will explode. Dogs. He hasn't got one, but he's petitioning. When we visit dog families, he has a blast. He can just picture one to run with right in our very own backyard. Son is also very interested in anything math or reading related. He enjoys hearing and discussing why and how things work (science), interesting stories (history), and even politics (Daddy's into that stuff...). But what he often thinks about and brings up and asks to be taught, is reading and math.

Our first daughter, who will be known as "Sissy", is four years old. She is very feminine. Sure, she likes to play in the dirt, and she's a messy eater. But she loves pretty things. Anything ruffly, sparkly, lacy, or otherwise girly, is something to bring a sparkle to her eye and put an excited tone in her voice. Pink and purple are her favorite colors. She is a morning person, too. She wakes up earlier than the others, and is ready for the day. She finds herself clothes, and fixes her own hair, often before her brother and sister are even up yet. She is attentive to how things look, and learned her colors and shapes quicker and more thoroughly than her older brother, who learned because he saw she knew something he didn't. Sissy has a face that often looks dirty when it is, in fact, clean, because she has adorable freckles sprinkled about in a haphazard fashion.

Our youngest, a daughter who will be known as "Honey", is two years old. In many ways, she reminds Mommy & Daddy of her big brother. She thinks like him, and will probably be reading early like him. She could care less how she looks (much like Mommy, when Mommy was a girl). She enjoys doing whatever her big brother and sister are doing. She likes to be self-sufficient as much as she is allowed... but don't let that make you think that she won't stay up past bedtime to snuggle with Daddy & Mommy every time she gets the chance. She likes being rocked frequently. One of her very first words was "tickle" (although it came out more like "keeko"). When we play the tickle game, Son and Sissy will stay just out of arms reach as long as they can, but Honey will come straight in for the real stuff! Although a bit of a tomboy, Honey loves her doll, Holly. She is very gentle and nurturing, and never lets her "niece", Julie, be left out. If she doesn't have enough arms to take care of both dolls, she'll have somebody hold Julie, or at least set her up comfortably in the arm of a nearby chair, before turning her attention to her own little Holly.

My Man and I were both homeschooled our whole lives, and grew up in the same church. When I was 17 and he 23, we said "I do." We've been married nearly 7 years, although that seems hard to believe. The time has gone by much too quickly. A few years ago, we moved to a different state, which instantly became home to our hearts. It is our dream to someday own a home in the country, complete with pastures and gardens and livestock.

We haven't yet come to be comfortable with pictures of our children online, so until we do (if ever), you won't get to see our little darlings. But you will hear about them very frequently. They are our passion in life - our very favorite subject to talk about. (Note: the profile picture of myself is a graduation photo, and the only people-pic you will see unless we someday change our picture policy.)

So, welcome to our thoughts and personal growth, as we journey through the seasons of our life.

1 comment:

  1. Tanya Bird8/20/2017

    You and your family are beautiful people. Your writing is full of LIFE and appreciation of the wonderful simple pleasures of FAMILY. May be simple pleasures, but they are the most important things in this life we live.


Hey there! What are your thoughts about this subject?