Saturday, April 13, 2024

This Saturday

Today was full. My Man and I went out for breakfast and to discuss our budget for this year. Sounds crazy in April, but we just got part of our tax return after a couple months of tight purse strings, and it's a good time for us to plan our budget out. 

My Man, Son, Sissy and Honey burned drain ditches with a neighbor. I worked some on digging ditch on our property. We are re routing the way it drains from our pasture. After burning, my Man and Son worked on this also. I also was involved in showing off the lambs. The office lady from my Man's job brought her grandkids and their parents, to enjoy the lambs, sheep and goats for a while. We had crock pot meatloaf with salad and green beans for dinner. We are working on baths now, and I'm about to wash some hair. Little Guy got six hours and twenty-seven minutes outside today. 89/1000! 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Spring lambing finished

This morning, we finished off lambing for a bit. Six ewes have lambed within two weeks, and they added 12 ewe lambs and 2 ram lambs to our flock.

The proud mothers;

Raspberry, Strawberry, Splash, Frost, CD, Rose.

The bereaved mother; Blackie.

We went through quite the ordeal holding down Blackie for a few days of milking. We wanted to freeze the colostrum in case of future emergency, and we milked her for 4 days just to get all the best beginning milk. We were going to ease her off slowly, but we wound up deciding to just let her try to dry off cold turkey. Hopefully she won't be hurting too much. She does seem a little more comfortable now than she was a few days ago.

Raspberry had triplets. She is raising two ewes and lost a ram.

Strawberry had triplets. She is raising ewes.

Splash had twins. She is raising ewes.

Blackie had twins. Stillborn rams. 

Frost had twins. She is raising ewes.

CD had triplets. She is raising one ewe, one ram, and she lost a ram.

Rose had triplets. She is raising two ewes and a ram. 

We had several present with elbow lock this spring. My Man had to assist in multiple births and I had to assist with one. 

We anticipate that Hairy and Blondie are likely pregnant, but they just lambed unexpectedly in November, so we don't think they are far along. We have the adult rams locked up for now, just in case. 

My Man got the 50% ram he was hoping for out of Rose. 50% Dorper and 50% Romanov. He's a cute little guy, too!