Monday, November 11, 2019

Can't Wear Anything

I always wear long skirts, but my girls have pants and they prefer them. There are some occasions when they aren't allowed to wear pants.

Honey: Can I wear pants today?

Me: Do you have clean pants?

Honey: I can't find any.

Me: You can't wear dirty pants, so if you don't have clean pants, then I guess you can't wear pants. It's not my fault you don't have clean pants if you took them all off the wrong way with the underwear stuck on them, and you won't turn them right side out so I can wash them.

Honey goes off pouting.

A few minutes later, I hear her walking down the hall crying and hollering.

Honey: I'm NOT wearing a dress today, so if I can't wear pants, I guess I can't wear ANYTHING today. Waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!

I considered saying "You'll probably get pretty cold if you don't wear anything." But I decided instead to pretend I didn't hear her. A little while later, I told her "You're still in your pajamas?!! You better go get dressed in a hurry!" and she did.