Our chickens have decided to start laying eggs in the last few days.
Also, I was commended for remaining firm yesterday afternoon when somebody offered to buy my 2-year-old a soda. They tried to persuade me for a couple minutes and I just said she didn't really need one just because she wanted one. Some time later, somebody who had been standing by at the time, told me "I was so proud of you for being firm about your little girl not needing a soda. That's a good mama!"
None of it was a big deal, of course. But it feels good to get a complement on your parenting from time to time. :-) I'm guessing she was mainly impressed because I wasn't rude in the least, but I also didn't cave an inch. :-) I don't always handle things that well, but she wouldn't have known, since we don't usually assemble at that location. :-)
As I’m not a momma I can’t relate completely but while babysitting, or working at the daycare, when someone would acknowledge my childcare skills even for small things such as that, it always made me very happy. :) I’m proud of you also and I know that out of all my siblings that are mothers, so far you definitely are the best one lol :)