Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Another night where I can't get to sleep. Sigh. And I've been strictly avoiding coffee in the afternoons to prevent this, too! I haven't been sleeping in most mornings. It's just that I've got so much on my mind, and can't seem to clear it out at night until I've tossed and turned for at least an hour or so. And I've got the irritating cold that's been going around ever since they started up shots and whatnot again this year. So that doesn't help.

So one of the things on my mind tonight; I bombed the house for spiders yesterday, which was, of course, a big ordeal. After four hours, I stopped by the house to open all the doors & windows and let the place air out. What did I find? A spider. A live spider. Grrrrrrrr.

And then, because the stupid "30 minutes" to air out the house is never enough, including yesterday, then we had to spend the rest of the evening away from home, as well. Finally we came home, but the odor was still pretty strong. We didn't have anywhere else to go, so left all the windows open and the fans blowing for the night. Which, of course, was bad for my cold. So irritating.

This morning I woke up and had a huge to-do list, scrubbing things down from the spider bombing. But I was so discouraged, and I basically did nothing except stay a little depressed and grumpy until about five o'clock. At that point, I called my sister while I washed the kitchen cabinets so I could put at least some things away. I tried to get re-inspired while I was on the phone, but I just kept the discouragement. It just lessened a little. I bemoaned the fact that I'd forgotten to bag the coffee maker before bombing, and all throughout the day, I'd never made myself go put it through a cleaning cycle.

We had pancakes for supper, which I fixed while my Man and a couple of the kids watched an Astrix show. Then I went down to the store and got milk, because I forgot to when I was at the grocery store yesterday. I came home, watched the rest of the show with my family, and then got everyone settled into bed. And then tossed and turned for an hour, and finally came back downstairs to type up a post, because I felt a headache coming on, and I haven't posted in a few days anyway.

One good news is that my Man & I decided that the best course of action would be to bomb the house again on our next two Church Dinner days. This is because we are supposed to bomb again in 30 days to catch any hatched eggs. I had been so irritated by the live spider I found, that I had intended to bomb again next Tuesday, or maybe this Sunday. But when my Man suggested doing it on our Dinner days, I felt very relieved to be able to wait a tad longer.

Other things on my mind are thoughts about:
    ~    School ideas for this year
    ~    Parenting methods
    ~    KonMari'ing the entire house
    ~    Setting up our basement, as per my lofty plans
    ~    Sorting through the junk in my Man's shop (he requested this favor)
    ~    And a variety of smaller things to boot, assail me each day & night :-(

Other good news is that just before I left for the grocery store, I poured vinegar in the coffee maker and got the clean cycle started. Tomorrow morning I'll have to run a couple quick cycles of water through, and wash the pot. Then I'll be able to have coffee!

So here's hoping for a better day tomorrow. (I do think I'll feel a little better tomorrow. The wheels spinning in my head tonight are because of the myriad of things I'm planning on planning tomorrow... if that makes sense!)

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