Another hour and a half working on the basement, with wonderful results! We've still got a long ways to go, but this total of 3 hours has made so much difference! It's very inspiring every time I need to go down there to get something... sometimes I go down there for no reason except to inspire myself! :-)
Yesterday, we did some housework, and then worked on the basement while Honey took her nap. Today, I was lazy and we didn't get around very early. But then we went down and the kids fully played with a toy tea set down there, for the whole hour and a half while I was working. Oh, I guess they DID find some random bike tires that they were having a blast with. I kept having to tell them to stop throwing the bike tires because it was dangerous. They didn't fully stop until I explained that I would just take the bike tires to the trash (which is to be picked up today) if they threw one of them even one more time. Boom. Sudden obedience.
Yesterday I got a lot of kitchen-related items moved into one area. Today I got most of my sewing scraps moved into another area, and after emptying two of the wonderful, sturdy, stackable storage bins that my Man has been keeping me supplied with, then I promptly filled them back up with what I'd wanted to put in them in the first place; into one, all outgrown diapers, both disposables and cloth, and related diaper changing paraphernalia. Into the other, things to keep on hand for another birth, including the only baby outfits/shoes/etc that I couldn't possibly give up when I went through getting rid of almost EVERY SINGLE OUTGROWN ITEM a few months ago. Or was it a year ago? I don't recall. In any case, I do have a boxful of things that I just HAVE to have on hand for when we have another baby someday.
But now I still have cleaning to do. Lots of laundry, that I washed yesterday, but never folded or put away. Lots of dishes, some left over from yesterday, some dirtied today. I'm not going to vacuum, even though the floor needs it. After laundry and dishes, I'm hoping to go back to the basement for another hour and a half.
I haven't been setting a timer. But during both yesterday's session and today's, then I got to a point where I all of a sudden felt like "I can't do this for even one more minute!" Then I looked at my clock and saw that I'd worked for an hour and a half.
I think part of it is having the kids down there "helping". And part of it is all the dust that gets stirred up. And part of it is thinking the dust is so bad that I don't want the kids breathing it, even if I could deal with it.
So... first I'll put Honey, and HOPFULLY Sissy, down for naps. Then, sort the clean laundry. Then, wash half or more of the dishes. Then, back to the basement for, most likely, an hour and a half. I definitely WANT to get more done before we apply the spider bombs, if I am able to. However, if I don't get another chance to go down there, I think I've got it well enough that there won't be much of anywhere for a spider to hide from the poison. :-)
Anyway, I hope.
Woohoo! Go Sabriena!