This has been a very good day.
Church this morning was very encouraging. Choosing spouses, and interacting with them after marriage, was focused on. It was good to be reminded of, and I really enjoyed it.
Then we came home for lunch, and I had the kids look at books while my Man & I took naps. Of course, the kids didn't stick to the books like they were supposed to, but still. They were less destructive than they might've been without the direction, and the sleep was totally worth it.
Then we drove 45 minutes to visit some friends of ours. I hadn't been to their new home before, and was well impressed. They are expecting their first child, and she asked me for advice & tips I might have for her, to help her prepare. It was a fun visit, although she mostly had everything listed already, as she's asked several other women as well.
Tomorrow is the beginning of a very big week for us. I'll be getting the house prepared for spider bombs, and then Tuesday, we will set the bombs off as we head out the door. We'll do a few things in town and then go to the weekly quilting we have at the church. After the house has aired out, I'll have to really make myself work so I can get a few things scrubbed down post-spider-bomb. With special attention paid to the kitchen.
Things I want to do later in the week, include more scrubbing, fixing torn/broken books, adding category tape to some new books we've acquired, and sorting through my small stack of paperwork. Yes, that means that last week I did get our clothes reKonMari'd, but not the books or papers. Sigh. I'm worried that doing the spider bomb will put me further behind, but I'm determined to try to work as hard as I can and NOT let that happen!
And of course, we want to keep up on our Morning School each day of this week.
So I intend to be busy!
I sure hope that the spiders are gone now!